Silvercrest Elementary PTA
General Meeting Minutes April 30, 2020 The General Meeting of the Silvercrest PTA was called to order on April 30, 2020 at 6:32pm via Zoom video conference call hosted by PTA President, Samye Peterson. Dalis Northup, Secretary, being present. A quorum was established. Sarah Hawks led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the January 16, 2020 General Meeting were approved as submitted. Officer Reports Treasurer’s Report, Monica Rasmussen (please see attachment): The Treasurer’s report from 1/16/20 to 4/30/20 showed: Beginning Balance (1/16/20) $ 75,365.40 Deposits $ 2721.13 Expenditures $ 9130.41 Escrow $ 0.00 Ending Balance (4/30/20) $ 68,956.12 The report was filed for financial reconciliation. President’s Report, Samye Peterson (please see attachment): President Peterson thanked Melissa Henry for a fantastic Field Day, which ended up being our school’s last day of in-person classes. Ms. Peterson announced the remaining board and officer positions that need to be filled for the 20-21 school year and encouraged members to recruit new volunteers to fill the need. Ms. Peterson announced a new Silvercrest PTA website is now live. It is Committee Reports Membership, Chieu Foo: Ms. Foo announced the Volunteer of the Year for the 19-20 school year is Julie Riley, chair of Arts in Education. Julie has served in this position for 3 years and has done a tremendous job in bringing enriching activities to our students. She heads up the Reflections contest every year, hosts our Silvercrest booth at the PTA International Day celebration and has contributed designs to our spirit shirts and PTA stationary. Thank you, Julie! Ms. Foo announced Ms. Riley will receive the official award once we are back in school for the 20-21 school year. Fourth Grade Recognition, Marla Jones: Ms. Jones announced that she, Papar Faircloth and Ashley Valdez have been brainstorming ideas to celebrate our 4th graders amidst social distancing. They have plans to distribute special T-shirts, a 4th grade class photo from Field Day and some type of certificate to the 4th graders via a drive-thru at Silverlake Park the last week of school (May 18-22.) Ms. Valdez is preparing a slideshow and will contact parents for pictures. This slideshow will be emailed out to all 4th graders to enjoy. Jerry Restrepo will set up our newly purchased lawn letters to spell out some type of congratulations to the 4th graders during the drive-thru distribution. The goal is to have a parent-led roller-skating party sometime at the end of July or in Aug, depending on social distancing guidelines by that point in time. Shana Kutac, School Supplies: Ms. Kutac announced school supplies can be purchased online only, now through June 14th. There is a link on our Silvercrest PTA website, and a skyward email will be sent soon. The PTA will not receive much of a profit this year, to keep pricing low because of the pandemic. After June 14th parents will have an opportunity to “late order” until July 7th at an increased price rate. New Business The new officer nominating committee consisting of Marla Jones, Papar Faircloth and Jennifer Farmer, brought forth their proposed slate of officers for the 2020-21 school year. The nominees are as follows: Monica Rasmussen, President Angela Perez, President-Elect First VP, Sarah Hawks (returning officer) Second VP, Heidi Nuttall (returning officer) Secretary, Victoria Tran Treasurer, Chieu Foo The majority voted to elect the above officers for Silvercrest PTA for the 2020-21 school year. Principal Announcements, Lori Campbell: Ms. Campbell thanked everyone for their patience and flexibility as we go through this unprecedented time together as a community. She announced an email would be coming out soon regarding picking up and returning school supplies. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm. Dalis Northup, Secretary Comments are closed.
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