Please join us for our 1st General PTA meeting and Ice Cream Social on Thursday, September 23rd at 6:30 pm in our school cafeteria!
What to Expect: *You will have the opportunity to sign up for PTA committees and learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities. *The meeting will also include a brief presentation and Q & A of the VATRE-Prop A by a PISD representative. *We will be raffling off past Spirit Shirts! They will also be for sale for $5 each or 3 for $10 (cash or check accepted.) *Chairs/seating will be socially distanced and masks are strongly encouraged. *Childcare will be provided during the meeting, with kids joining us afterwards in the cafeteria for the ice cream social. Hope to see you there! What is Reflections, you ask? Let me explain:
Reflections is a National PTA-driven competition for students nationwide. This competition is a great (& fun!) opportunity for students to creatively respond to a specific theme (see below). It is completely extra-curricular and parent-driven, so no school or grading pressure! Students can enter multiple entries and in multiple categories, which include visual arts (draw/paint/etc.), photography, film production (video), dance/choreography, and music composition (original music only). Our theme this year is: I Will Change The World By… Encourage your student to participate by creatively expressing how their own ideas, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions can change the world around them. What difference can they make - locally and/or globally? Big and small? The emphasis on judging lies with the students’ interpretation of the theme, so encourage your students to think through how this theme applies to them personally, then express it how they see fit. Beyond interpretation of the theme, entries are also judged on their Creativity (originality in theme interpretation) and Technique (level of skill demonstrated). For inspiration, visit last year’s State Winners’ Gallery: Download the rules and entry packet via this link: If you have any questions about the competition, please feel free to email our PTA Arts & Education Chair, Julie Riley at: [email protected]. Final entries due by Thursday, October 21 to the students' teachers. Judging will happen in mid-November. A Reflections Celebration (pandemic-pending) of all Advancing and Placing Winners will occur at the General PTA Meeting in January! We’re only 2 weeks away from our Silvercrest Gallop & Groove Dance-A-Thon and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together. Today, donating officially opened on, and you can support our school in 3 steps: 1. REGISTER your student(s) on today. It takes 30 seconds! 2. SHARE with 5 family/friends using the SHARE tools on (Facebook, Text Message or Email). Students can earn rewards just for sharing from 3. GIVE a donation if you are able to give. Key dates to remember: ️ Donating Opens - TODAY! Register on MYBOOSTER.COM, Share, & Give! ️ Event Kick Off - 9/16 ️ Event Day - 9/24 @ 2:20 pm Every share and donation makes a difference! And, don’t forget…
• All students get to participate in the Event day, regardless of financial participation • Students will experience an incredible character development program. They’ll be learning about the importance of curiosity, confidence, humility, practice and endurance by following along with Sports City Worldwide! Check out the trailer here: Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community! |
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